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Posts posted by BrotherSorrows

  1. Ugly does not admit a likening   Get serious.  You do no wrong here.  Remember the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  He is a rapist who gets his love die.  Get inspire by love and do your thing to your self.  Do not require, at your age, and, at your being, a lover.  You are your own,  May be on your own.  So be that.  Live with it.  Some one one might come.     You do no wrong by, nor in, asking. 

  2. Go to a gay bar, and, in the evening, amid all, and see, and, react.  If that is over powering or over coming, thrum try other timings.  Try the early afternoon as t, 12 to 5 or so, but, there are fewer, but, they are there, and, easier to pick on, and, easier sometimes to talk to, as, they have less or, fewer, than you, as competitors.     

    --- You either take some of he baggage of women and take some of the baggage of men, or some little of both, and, you must lose some of your own baggage, or, you lose entire.  

    ---  Or, maybe you win a million.  In which case, this all is not an issue, as you pay can both ways, and have fun either.  

    ---- You can hit on a guy you like and find out.  There is never been any guarantee of a way to know of success any more than a hit on a woman.  

    --- Never does failure succeed with out trial.  

  3. Brother in law is not only a complete lover of his wife.  He is a boy lover too.  Sister either knows nothing and has a child from / with him or knows and has a child from his contributing sperm  anyway.   Know he tries to hide it.   He tries to hide it from ME !  Now that she is dead, he STILL hides.  

  4. My sister marries the local minister son after he, the minister, she legal at 16. gives her the key to the church o they can go meet to o oo.  YES, sister marries the son.  Marries the son of her father in law, former and original and first blood lover.  NOT kidding.  Sister tries to sue against father in law minister 30 years later.  He, father and som. is a boy lover.  41 yearmrry sister is with one stupid kid. boy, ugly.   Meet up 1995 and that son has ugly druggy girlfriend (legal, 18 plus0).    Minister does try me.  His son hates me.  Both are boy seeks.  See with eyes.  They are not GAY.  they be be what they wont be, wanting being wont..   OOOO is out of law and order.  LAW and ORDER does not equal justice.  Justice does not equal fair and straight.  OH ... shut my mouth and stiffen my fingers

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