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Posts posted by Coloradosagger

  1. 51 minutes ago, Pabstman2024 said:

    Why are these women wait for 20 plus years to come out. The statue of limitations in the state of Illinois for sexual abuse is 4 year's

    I may be way off here and very uninformed but I think it has a lot to do with the psychology of the situation.  The victim of sexual violence or abuse may be very scared to admit they were asulted by someone and they may also feel that people around them will see them differently.  And rarely, some of these victims may feel this is something good that happens all the time.  

    And to answer your question @SaggerTwinkLover, I feel that there are some real cases that are true, (I.e, President Trump with all of the evidence they have) and some cases that are simply someone trying to get attention and possibly bringing down a person that has wronged them in some fashion. And all of this does not help the real victims who are speaking out and trying to resolve the situation that they have been put into.  I think that Pabstman2024 comment about Illinois having a statue of limitations is a good thing and that we should encourage victims that we will see them not as victims for the rest of their live but a normal and honest people who were not afraid to admit something that can be extremely degrading. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Lee249 said:

    Ferengi. You can hang a nice pair of earrings off them enormous lobes :lol:

    Freestyle or Backstroke? 

    Backstroke for distance and easy, freestyle for speed. 

    swimming pool or lake. 

  3. 1 hour ago, soakedsagger said:

    What you're forgetting in the case of Trayvon Martin is that George Zimmerman was not a police officer. He was a member of the neighborhood watch. A member of the neighborhood watch that, upon calling the police to report Martin as a suspicious individual and proceeding to chase after him as Martin ran, was told by the dispatcher to not proceed with the chase and to wait for police. Zimmerman is an idiot who ignored police directives and that should not have been acquitted.

    Not to insult you but I did preface my comments with not the same situation.  

  4. Been wearing the same outfit setup for work for a couple weeks now.  Sly undies, b-ball shorts, regular fit Lee's Jean's on bottom.  Work shirt and goodie on top.  Wish I could wear something different and sag while I was at work but alas, I don't want to lose the job.  Just got a promotion so I really can't lose my job now. 

  5. Thanks to @TheOther1 for reopening the conversation. 

    One, the picture you posted @SaggerTwinkLover is really hot.  Love his muscle build and stance in the picture with I think his hands I his pants and on his a**. 

    And to get the ball rolling, I find guys of Hispanic, Greek, or Middle Eastern (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Egyptian, etc) heritage extremely hot.  For me on Arabic/Middle Eastern guys, it's mostly their skin color, dark hair and facial  hair (one of the few times I like facial hair) and their looks.  They usually have sharp facial features, smooth skin, and soft eyes. 

    Hispanic guys it's mostly there facial features and if they have an accent. I find Spanish accents a major turnon and often times, Hispanic guys have a pretty decent muscle build and sexy hands.  Having big, bony, or vascular hands is also a major turnon.  

    If you wanted just physical attributes, medium to heavy muscle builds, big and vascular hands, vascular legs and arms, well built calves or forearms, tall-ish and wide-ish shoulders and narrow waist, soft eyes, good or unique facial structure, sagging (obviously), really tight butts in tight underwear, and clean cut faces a day hair (unless otherwise stated above).  That most of what I like. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    Was likely giving attitude by the sounds of things...

    No cop is going to flying football tackle someone for walking through a park and smoking pot.

    Are we forgeting Trevor Martin.  While the situation and circumstances around his death are different from what we are discussing, Trevor Martin was not doing anything that warranted his death.  Or the case several months ago when that officer, I forget rye name and the city, that shot that older African-American man who had done nothing to harm the last officer other than walking away.  I know I am missing some of the important information and a lot of the detail but sometimes, the "bad apple" police officers have been known to do things like this.  Like just now, an police officer just blasted past my house and he is here because we are tired of the people speeding in our neighborhood. 

    While I do agree that some law enforcement officials have performed actions that have resulted in deaths, unintended harm, intended harm, or psychology damage, the officers that conform themselves to what they have been trained for are the ones that will be there to help us.  I have met some great officers that are truly looking for proper justice and recognize that even someone who is sagging, smoking, and walking through a park is simply an innocent and normal person.  If the officer in @Dillon's case had followed proper handbook procedures, he should have confronted young Dillon and discussed that what he was doing was illegal and, sorry about this Dillon as I don't have the absolutely full story, if Dillon agreed and accepted his fault, the officer may have let him off with a warning.  No cop should have to football tackle the average citizen unless that citizen has in some way provoked such a response.  In my opinion, officers should only pull there weapon once the situation gets to a point where bodily harm can come to them and citizens around do them. Otherwise, a tazer usually is enough to bring down a dangerous person.  

  7. 19 hours ago, SBJB said:

    Interesting. Do you feel safe when you see father with a beard?

    What ballpark were you in when you made this comment because this had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.  And quit extruding dumb questions that have nothing to do with the topic you quote.  It's becoming irritating 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Lee249 said:

    Austin (second oldest bro) got 3 older ones btw, has a massive beard. I don't get the reasoning behind wanting to have one. His wife kept nagging him to get it shaved. Don't get the whole fisherman beard stance tbh

    Up until recently, my brother had a huge fisherman bear that was about 9 inches long.  Almost everyone was happy when he shaved it off except for my niece, his daughter, who has been had at him since. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Lee249 said:

    Deffo, i'm the same. Get all the graft done and then chillz.


    Capt. Janeway or Capt. Picard?

    In regards to our Star Trek discussion.

    I actually caught that TNG ep 'Skin Of Evil' the other day. That villain aka puddle of black paint was a ridiculous excuse to antagonise and boost ratings. It was regarded as one of the worst sci-fi deaths in history. Seemed weird watching one of the most mermorable eps from that series after all this time.

    I last watched it during re-runs as a kid, 5pm weekdays on SKY1 lol

    Same that's hard man.  Both were great.  U am going to have to go with Capt Janeway.  I grew up watching voyager.  

    Enterprise D or Enterprise E

  10. 38 minutes ago, Lee249 said:

    Math. Science is ok, if the subject is Chemistry. The Periodic Table is interesting.

    Business before or After pleasure? 


    Before man.  Then you don't have to think about the business later and spoil the moment.

    Car or truck?

  11. 17 minutes ago, jace said:

    Agree with this 100%.  If you are overweight, lifting more and heavy weights is not the answer.  Lose weight,  eat right and cardio are key as well as an over all mild weight lifting to tone.    I am sure you are not like this,  but I see these fat and out of shape bozos coming into the gym,  take the elevator up,  do just 3 sets of massive amount of weight on the bench press and sometimes squats.  Do the steam room and that is it.  The next hour is spent eating a massive high calorie/fatty meal and bragging about how much they lifted.. 

    I have seen the guys you are talking about @jaceand they make me laugh when I see them in the gym.  It's funny that what they consider weightlifting is in reality, a showing off move.  I have been trying to do cardio workouts but that can be difficult for me.  I developed plantar fasciitis early last year and I was forced to hold off on any running, sports, or other cardio workouts that I had to be on my feet for.  But now that I have finally gotten that under control I was to start running again.  My other big workout is doing training for Dragon boat racing which is a major workout and a good strength training exercise.  It's also fun and enjoyable and when the weather finally warms up here in Colorado, I am going to start riding my bike a lot more.  I can always loose a lot of weight when I am riding a bike. Thank you though. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, SBJB said:

    Shoot it down? It's a discussion bro. There is no shooting it down as long as we can all contribute, which we can. Please share, after all you are an adored and respected member tomass. :)

    To reiterate @tomass‘s point, your tendency to shoot down anyone’s opinion that does not completely and perfectly conforms with your beliefs @SBJB shows what a narcissist you are.  Like @Krister‘s article on feminism or this, you have interjected your opinions and made great and polite conversations turn into conversations that all center around you @SBJB.  And your rank with this site doesn’t put you in a higher plain of existence they everyone else on here.  

    • Like 3
  13. 56 minutes ago, tomass said:

    SBJB always has to state his opinion on everything and he thinks his opinion is always right. If its not, then he will continue to fight and argue about it. The world doesnt revolve around you SBJB.

    That seems to be the general consensus with everyone that interacts with him.  Seems to be a classic case of narcissism with him.  But I’m gettingg off topic and he would see that as a problem but that’s the life of a self centered narcissist. 

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, Dillon said:

    Eh Ive been through worse. And yea it gets better and you don't have to do it as much because you are pulling the hair root out as well. The trick is the the way you pull it off and applying  the waxx


    Thank you for the information.  Is there anyplace you would recommend that might be here in Colorado or any suggestions on how to find the best place for waxing. 

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