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Everything posted by SaggerMatt

  1. It's pretty old, but I hadn't seen it. It's taking sagging semi-seriously.
  2. Oh, are you going to do some math? Here's my stat: 37.
  3. Yeah, since people mentioned it, I also think the wedgies would be a little tougher to talk about. It's more of a multiple-people-involvement kind of thing.
  4. I don't think Dillon's part of the homosexual agenda. I could be wrong, though.
  5. Kid's a nice sagger. Looks like he's kinda trying it out for realz. Props.
  6. Yeah, sharing pics and media is cool. It needs permission and acknowledgement like you and others said.
  7. It's close to the end, around 11 min for people to know.
  8. Yeah, some people are adamantly against sagging. Prolly watch out for those people.
  9. Like a lot of conversation-starting, it depends on your personality. I've walked up to a guy and directly told him I like his sagging and thought it was cool he sags. That's probably a little unusually outgoing, I think. You could probably get in with a sagger in general by befriending him in general and easing into you're into his sagging. Small talk is probably helpful for a lot of conversation-starters. You could make it fun by keeping an eye out for those "ins" to talk about sagging with him.
  10. Yeah, man, stuff like that happens. You can lose track of that sag while you get wasted.
  11. Yeah, sensitive with the kids, but they are some cool saggers.
  12. Not necessarily. To stay lean, you should really focus on eating when you're hungry. Calories can come from different places, but have different nutrition associated with them that you can take into consideration.
  13. No problem. It's that mix of cardio with the weightlifting that will get you lean with the muscles. Keep in mind: some people aren't able to achieve that size muscle, either. Their muscles won't grow big enough to lift really heavy weights and look like that.
  14. I've personally been losing a little--after being skinny most of my life, then putting on a ****-ton in the past few years. I mostly recommend getting some regular exercise and eating to that. That's you're best chance at leaning out. That photo is fine, if that's what you're going for. He has a lot of mass (and mostly muscle). That takes some heavy weights and a lot of food. It'd probably take a little while to achieve as well.
  15. Yeah, dope, you can see sags with these.
  16. Yeah, it sounds like it could be at least that, from what you've said for a positive response. I probably wuddn't get him a gift or something--probably wouldn't put too much effort into it. If you guys sagged together--dope.
  17. I agree. It's worth a try if you're feeling it at all. Be prepared for rejection, though.
  18. Yeah, that's a bummer. I didn't have many cartoon undies when I was a kid, but I know they were popular. They also looked great back then (don't know how they look now). Clothes are weird like that. Cool he found the boxers, though.
  19. Yeah, I really like being able to see the body with these shirts. I wear jerseys where you can see the arms and stuff, but not this much.
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