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JoeSaggerBro last won the day on May 6 2016

JoeSaggerBro had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

398 Excellent

About JoeSaggerBro

  • Rank
    Vengeful, Imperial Overlord of SW

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  • How You Found Us?
    Redirect from Facebook
  • Location
    Detroit, MI
  • Biography
    Always sagging baggy pants showing off my boxers
  • Interests
    Partying, Smoking, Smoking, Sagging, Saggers, Joe Boxer, Music, Movies, Traveling

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  1. This is Your encouragement to sag lower today.


  2. If ur hanging out with ur bro and ur bro is saggin - ur saggin.

    Bros don't leave bros haggin and let a bro sag low solo.  

    1. zach_27


      I would love to sag low with you, anytime

  3. What is it called when guys wear uptight pants high and you can't see if they are even wearing underwear?  Not sure how anyone wears their pants like that - it looks uncomfortable!  Are they not wearing underwear because doesn't that defeat the purpose if no one is going to notice?

    1. Denimsag


      it's called NOT SAGGING.

  4. Sag your pants with confidence - confident that your underwear is showing - confident that people are looking at your underwear - confident that your pants are saggin hanging half off your a s s confident that your underwear can't be missed! 

    1. Lee249


      I sag whatever to get others approval & I know it sounds daft tbh. I'm confident but I get loads of agro sagging in public 😔

      Who else gets self-conscious sagging outside? Thank you. 

    2. JoeSaggerBro


      I don't think I've ever had anyone get upset over my boxers showing 

      But I've definitely overheard people talking about my pants saggin - which honestly for me is a turn on and a confidence boost 🤗

      Lmao wanna talk about me saggin my pants I'll sag more just so y'all got more to talk about 😂 

  5. What kind of sagger pics do you like to see?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AlexL


      Candid sags in public 

    3. Lee249


      @zach_27 red is a good boxers colour mate 😁

      @Emohotboy haha great response! 👌

      @AlexL candids are super hot mate 🔥

      @Slimsagger29 guess that can excite people. Smoking isn't my bag but the emphasis is ofcourse on the sag. 

      @SaggersRhot especially when the clothes are see through 😝

      @JoeSaggerBro too many questions 🤣🤣🤣




    4. gaygangsterthug


      extreme triple sagger sagg at knees 



  6. Love when guys sag their pants!

    1. zach_27


      I like it more when they have red underwear on

  7. I ❤️ JOE BOXER!

  8. If you wear cool underwear it's your duty to

    Let it show 

    Let it show 

    Let it show 

    1. SaggersRhot


      Lead by example. Got any pics of you wet sagging?

  9. Happiness is boxers that fit just right!

    1. zach_27
    2. Lee249


      @JoeBoxerSagger is this from personal experience? Thanks mate 



  11. When you're sagging baggy jeans do you roll the bottoms up or do you just let them drag on the ground and get shredded?

    1. Ashley


      I roll the bottoms up, sometimes tucked into my socks

  12. Gray sweatpants season + Christmas boxers season = the most wonderful time of the year!

  13. Baggy




    1. Saggerlover82


      OMG yes please!!!

    2. jonquestor


      Hot hot hot!

  14. This is a post for the sagger bros that take advantage of gray sweatpants season! 

    1. Saggerlover82


      My favorite season!!!

  15. When I die burry me with my pants sagged!


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