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About SkylarStormdale

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  • Birthday 07/13/1992

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  1. The few. The proud. The saggers who don't act like shallow high schoolers. :)

  2. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. I never got a red cent for the mess that happened to me, and stories like mine make up the majority. Just be careful not to lay the blame at the media rather than the overall corrupted "culture" of sociopathy, selfishness, division, and overall jerkery that has been present since... well, frankly, since humanity apostasized from Nature circa 10,000 years ago. People being obsessed with only caring about themselves, selected cliques, and people that are "like" them. But we are all sapient, social creatures - there ain't only not a thing wrong with
  3. Oh, believe me, I'm aware. Combination of that and someone just so immersed in neofeudalist delusion that they are unashamedly on this kind of mess. I, as someone who acknowledges the fact all life has rights, simply couldn't imagine being the kind of person that looks at a whole chunk of the population being suppressed and oppressed and lacking justice and says "this is fine". But then again, I'm not a sociopath or immersed in the culture of sociopathy that neofeudalism is. Shooting down his manure kites helps me keep my wits and skill sharp for general "standing up for civilization" ski
  4. all bolding and italicizing is mine, and is for the decent people reading this. 1st italics: You've presented me with more than enough to know exactly what your character's like, and it needs improvement. Good luck with said improvement. 1st bolding: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Psychological_projection 2nd italics: BANANA! BANANA! BANANA! 2nd bolding: Yup, proud to be a civilized person standing for my rights and what's right. 3rd italics: I've already covered earlier exactly what kind of person mistakes "BLM" for a singular group, rather than the diverse movement it
  5. Nope, just the insurance. Brutally slaughtered while trying to pull out his ID. It's called "pay attention to actual sources". Lol I am not going back and forth with you on this, dude - the facts are the facts. Just like that CNN ad says, you can yell "BANANA!" at an apple all day long, but that don't change the fact it's an apple. Wishing you the best of luck on getting on the civilized, caring side of things, man. Racism and Neofeudalism are not acceptable.
  6. And he doesn't "reach for it" (the firearm), he reached for the ID that the officer requested. The facts stand.
  7. He's a stopped clock. xD There are a couple of areas where he shines, but most of the time he's a hamburger short of a happy meal. especially with those weird products he hawks... O_o
  8. Wow, y'all's officers ain't even been carrying tasers all this time?
  9. They are, indeed, supposed to be professional. The problem is, they don't get proper training and screening as professionals should. Civilized locales require cops to have a criminal justice degree or equivalent, and they screen out sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths. Here, though, it doesn't happen. Combine that with America's overall culture of violence, and you get the heinous situation we have these days. Thanks for bringing up guns - your country is one of many examples of countries that have high gun ownership, but low gun violence. It goes to show the fact that it's not the g
  10. Actually, no. The sources and video speak for themselves. Good try, though.
  11. Yeah, sorry, no. He had been asked for his identification, upon which he informed the officer he had a firearm, and when he proceeded to reach for his identification, getting nowhere near the firearm, he was shot. Even the dad-gummed District Attorney said that officer was in the wrong and proceeded to charge him. Jeez-us, y'all are a trip! https://www.vox.com/2017/6/20/15843808/philando-castile-dashcam-footage https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/16/philando-castile-shooting-manslaughter-police-jeronimo-yanez http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36732908
  12. When it comes to school, workplace, etc shootings, that introduces the need for (A) a well-funded, nationwide mental health care system that ensures sociopaths and psychopaths who are liable to decide one day to pick up a gun and commit a mass shooting are segregated from the general populace and given the treatment they need among other necessities, and (B) for people in general to stop being such cliquey jerkwads and start breaking off some of that family-style friendship for those outcast and in need of human bonds. For people to drop the idea that someone has to be "like them" for them to
  13. Just another helpful correction. I'll keep bringing race up until either the last shred of racism is gone from humanity or I kick the bucket, whichever comes first. We know exactly what happened. Full compliance, just like you love so much, and Philando still got shot. Go figure, huh? Gun control is not the solution. The right of the civilized to bear arms is a right that ain't to be infringed, period. I'm fine with fully automatic rifles and machine guns in the hands of civilized civilians. We don't have a gun problem; we have a racism, classism, and denial of racism and classism p
  14. http://www.philly.com/philly/columnists/will_bunch/7-seconds-thats-how-long-it-took-to-kill-a-compliant-black-man-with-a-legal-gun-20170620.html
  15. (bolding mine) Well, it shouldn't be. After all, the majority of the populace here are privileged white guys who appropriated a Black fashion style, yet harbor a lot of unchecked racism and have no idea what it's like (and have made no attempts to understand what it's like--i.e. have empathy for) for people of color and non-privileged white people - including our struggles with being the target of a corrupt, neofeudalist justice system. Keep on telling the truth, brother, and standing for justice. NOTE: Before the accusations of "attacking all non-black saggers" come in - There is a
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