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Posts posted by jace

  1. On 9/22/2020 at 10:08 PM, BoxsingKid said:

    I want to swim in pic related with baggy basketball shorts sagged under my swimsuit but im not surr how it would go over in public. Maybe i could try this at a beach somewhere.



    you should and get back to us with some pix.  then wear jeans next

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  2. On 7/20/2020 at 2:47 AM, Lee249 said:

    Jace, you inspire me mate. Did you see my status? I'm hoping next summer to get an invite to one of your sag parties (if you plan one) 

    Back to work in two weeks, so should have a well deserved break by then 😁

    On the subject, i find that neck warmers to be more beneficial as a face covering rather than masks tbh.

    Ps, without contradicting what i just wrote. I actually bought a camoflaged mask. It's the proper business! like it. Should get some interest from the public haha 😏

    Will post a pic later. 

    Sorry Lee missed your status,  until now, Cool to hear I inspire!   Plan is to resume sagger party next summer.   There is a possible we will have 1 over Halloween this year,  if things calm down, but will be a bit more on the chill side.   

    I have a camo mask too!  its my go to   

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  3. 22 hours ago, Lee249 said:

    Day after day more deaths are recorded & more grim figures are announced.

    I aim fire at the Chinese for not establishing communication with the WHO much sooner. If anyone is to blame it's them! I will stick by that opinion.

    Such a shame that even now, they are ignorant. They need to be accountable for their stupid mistake.

    Ridiculous  to try and blame on Chinese.   Blame game for a virus is a fools errand which our idiotic president continues to be engaged in.  Sure Chinese  should have been a little more free with info and weren't.   Nothing they could have done to stop it without fully locking down everyone.  It would have spread regardless.  

    Similar stupidity between states here.  People are harassing those with out of state plates.  

    It is worldwide,  we just need to deal with it.  

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  4. On 6/1/2020 at 11:22 AM, TheOther1 said:

    My point is that people get pissed off at those protesting. Do you really think they care what they are protesting at that point? 

    "I just worked a 12 hour day but now I'm sat in traffic for 3 hours because there's a bunch of people stood in the middle of the road" at that point, doesn't matter what they are protesting about. I don't need to be brought attention that there is a racism, and black lives matter. "all lives matter" is a better saying, stop being specific, isn't that the problem in the first place. When a man is just a man and not a white man or a black man or a Muslim man. That's when the world becomes a better place. 

    Do you agree that jumping onto planes and flying drones and all the other stupid things people do is a good way to protest for climate change too? 

    Secondly though. What does it achieve? Apart from pissing people off. What actually comes from standing in a street saying black lives matter. Obviously they matter.. What's your point. Saying it out loud isn't going to do anything. 

    Also. Racism is a two way thing. White people get it too, let's not kid ourselves.

    I'm also born Jewish, I know what discrimination is. 

    You might want to look back at history.   Change has happened,   Blacks can now eat in restaurants with whites,   stay in hotels with whites,   share drinking fountains,  were freed from slavery and vote.   Women can vote and make the same pay a man makes for doing the same job.  Gays can walk down the street without being arrested.     None of these changes happened in a vacuum and without a serious uprising from those affected.    Sometimes it is inconvenient.  


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  5. On 6/1/2020 at 7:11 PM, Vikkin said:

    Then I'm rephrasing: Half of the US is either rioting, victim of riots or their life is directly impacted by the riots

    No,   it is a very small minority that are protesting and rioting or affected.   99% here are just going about our lives as usual.    Media makes it look like all USA cities are imploding.    I live in NYC and BOS.    Not seeing it

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  6. 18 hours ago, worldsagger1 said:

    Wow, as sad as it is, this video shows people stealing sneakers from a store, but check at 0:56 for an incredible sag and keep checking until the end. I think I need to move to the US if this is the amount of saggers you guys see everyday everywhere! It's crazy for someone who doesn't live there to see this!! Wow!



    We do have a lot here

  7. On 6/1/2020 at 1:40 PM, TheOther1 said:

    Well. 'all houses matter' sounds as stupid as all lives matter which is as stupid as black lives matter. It shouldn't need to be said in the first place. 

    I'm consciously aware of racism, obviously it's around. Not sure how anyone can deny it really. Less so in England, but there are less black people (though not sure if that would increase or decrease it because they would be a smaller minority). 

    And no. I don't get annoyed at people who are protesting who want black people to be treated equally. I get annoyed at people who protest, period..for any reason. I also get annoyed at pride events, don't get me started on them. And as I said in the other post. I'd love there to be no racism either. But what does standing around with signs on a main road do? The racists aren't going to become less racist all of a sudden. So it just seems to cause disruption and achieves nothing?

    Apart from the bad bunch who turn protests into riots. So it causes a waste of public resources, disruption to the public and business. So yeah. I don't know what comes from protesting. 

    Not sure what 50% of black people are incarcerated means though? I watch alot of jail/prison documentaries which are American and its obvious that there are gang problems everywhere and it's obvious that there's a large percentage of blacks in gangs. There's alot of twats. And of course there's alot of whites who are also twats. People are twats is the bottom line :)

    Not sure how you came to the conclusion protests and standing around with signs and marching does nothing.   Media loves these events,  show up,  film and broadcast to the world.   Change does happen from protests.  You might want to look up the history of the Stonewall riots in the USA.   Gays were continually harassed by police and locked up for being gay.  Gays were not allowed in many establishments in the 50's and 60's because they were gay.   

    Police would go into bars and raid and arrest just because of sexual orientation.   The Stonewall riots were a turning point.   Now gays have protections.   Sure there is still some hate ,  but pretty much gays are accepted.    The 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots   was recent and Pride is an annual celebration of that event.   

    The civil rights movement as well as the women's movement in the USA consisted of many riots and protest marches.    Blacks and minorities now have many more rights than before the protests.   Women Same.  The Aids movement which was  also full of protests peaceful and other got governments to notice and take action.     

    Writing a blog from your basement and posting on the internet,  rarely gets noticed.   Working with your elected representatives is a slow and tedious process,  that often gets mixed results.    Getting your cause in front of the media works, often starting a conversation and changes minds.

    I dont agree with property damage as that in my opinion sometimes takes away from the legitimacy of the movement.


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  8. 12 hours ago, Pokemon said:

    the actual virus isn't something to really worry about, it's the quarantine that's the real problem for most people 

    I totally agree, we have created a serious worldwide mess.   All of the politicians have jumped on board as they need to look good and get re elected.  We are running th world economy into a brick wall.     The numer of deaths unfortunately will contiune to grow before leveling off and dropping from covid 19.     Worldwide 650,000 die from the flu every year,   like they have done every year for a very long time.   No "crisis" or "state of emergency".   

    Covid19 will not even compare and if it does,  we cannot kill the world economys.   We can take reasonable measures,  Sanitary and some distance.    More will suffer from not having money to pay rent,  buy food,  pay health insurance than this virus.   Those on the bottom will suffer the most.    We will look back on this time in history and realize we over reacted.  


    This will be as large or larger then the great recession in the US in the 30's becuase of how poorly this has been handled.

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