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Everything posted by silkysag

  1. to be honest, I was looking at the guy on the left at first: defenately not too low. The other is really low, a bit lower and he shows his legs (which is a bit too much
  2. Humor I bought these http://www.loveclothing.com/humor-santiago-drop-crotch-trousers-dark-orange-p-5576_1.html
  3. Yeah, I guess there's something wrong with the exposure of video's on this site
  4. nice, but I missed real "sagging" in it
  5. Tom Odell - Another Love and I would really like to be his other love
  6. some years ago this used to be quite normal on saggerworld .... also the scene has changed
  7. Be friends, but be carefull for yourself that it doesn't grow further because 14 is a minor age. If you aren't minor yourself you must wait untill he's old enough
  8. The guy I posted is Australian, I honestly don't think what he wears is too extreme
  9. Is this also Drop Crotch Jeans? Does not seem to extreem to me: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151328374308275&set=pb.837003274.-2207520000.1360533693&type=3&theater https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/377679_490095094380052_1357228940_n.jpg
  10. My gaydar is specialised in discovering straight guys
  11. 'Everyday' (warehouse brand of Colruyt) is good enough
  12. Luckily, I don't need to shave everyday. I shave wet, (Gilette Fusion) It's faster better done than electric
  13. ok! do you invite whole Saggerworld to your wedding?
  14. don't forget to sag in class or later on at the bar under your toga
  15. documentary on the Doors. I' sure Jim Morrison would have been a sagger if he was born a bit later
  16. replace some meals by soup. Eat as many soup as you want have no bread or meat with it.
  17. Will you be able to see the original or will it be dubbed again?
  18. does anyone knows the history behind it? Apparently this is not a video posted by the guys themselves?
  19. each time I undress, I change. So each day or more
  20. just found by checking out my old 'favorites' list: A bit old but still great, certainly when they take off their shirts
  21. satin & silk is my favorite: boxers, basketball shorts, dressing (boxing) gowns ...
  22. I believe we should think about why these things happen these days. Is there something wrong in our global culture? Is it only the access to heavier weapons? Moreover, there is totally no profit in this for the actors. I mean that you have to punish somebody when he does something illegal for his own profit. If he does something illegal for no reason, you have to cure him and meanwhile protect society from his possible actions.
  23. I like the sweatpants I really feel like grabbing those And yes, it's a nice alternative for bagging pants
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