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Everything posted by Pokemon

  1. I have noticed a lot of gay guys wear briefs but in general boxer btiefs are the most popular. Why are all your posts about this tho? Boxer briefs are in general more popular but there are outliers everywhere
  2. I only got one pair but I wear them like once a week
  3. id be such a bad cop, id be so tempted to wedgie them while they are handcuffed lol
  4. I'm more team boxer briefs, but I also like the way boxers feel when you wear them.
  5. Posted pics a few days ago for the first time in years, I might keep it up and add more during the fall. Got a lot of freetime now that I'm done with college 

  6. All the ones I gave in highschool/ college were to saggers which was hot, I gave one to a shirtless guy in the dorm bathroom since it was April fools day he didn't care lol then there was one who always sagged low with bright green Christmas boxers, my dumb ass gave him a wedgie in Walmart of all places like the second day of meeting him, I was very lucky he laughed it off lol I got him again like a month later when he was high and he had the same boxers on I've had really good luck with the reactions since I gave them to people in high school that weren't really that close to me, one wa
  7. me and my brother gave them to each other a lot as kids/teens, not so much anymore. I've given a lot, to friends mostly and cousins, to like 4 people in high school, 3 in college, never got one back besides my brother and cousin as a kid. I wish I got more lol but giving is also fun
  8. Hot, tbh that was 90% of the reason I started sagging lol my dumb ass thought it would lead to someone giving me one but besides my brother it never did.
  9. Lol sometimes you're just craving a wedgie but nobody is around so you gotta improvise. I'm likely describing something nobody but me has thought.
  10. Recently I've been getting back into giving them to myself, combines the thrill of getting with giving, gotta be careful tho, I swear nearly every pair from my old albums has been ripped and thrown out lol.
  11. Black shirt black basketball shorts and bright red hanes boxer briefs like in the pictures I posted today
  12. Yeah I get it, it can sometimes feel like everyone is looking at you when your sagging but when you get used to it you realize most people don't care
  13. Added another picture finally, in my album newsags, might add more over the weekend 

  14. Has it really been 3 years since I've posted a picture? I really need to change that, wish I was still in the shape I was then lol

  15. Pokemon


    This makes more sense to me, I don't understand why people would wear briefs on top if they are the smaller underwear
  16. Personally I don't get it, why would you want to fade them?
  17. I had a green pair of boxer briefs that turned brown after I wore them in a pool from the chlorine but never sun
  18. Personally I just find it super hot to pull up a guys underwear up thier ass lol
  19. No not really although as a kid I dod have a few wedgie fights with friends lol. I mentioned it because I was really into them and didn't know why until I found out what a fetish was, like how when you look back and think "oh the thing I used to do was because I'm gay" type deals like staring at the pictures in underwear section in stores
  20. Hot, well for me it atarted way young before I knew what a fetish was, when I was like 7 my cousin would always give me them and hang me by a fence by my underwear, then I'd give them to friends at school (never hanging) and it became like a game, wasn't until later on I realized it was a fetish
  21. Pokemon


    I'm talking about wearing them over other underwear lol
  22. Pokemon


    Do people besides old school superheroes actually do this?
  23. Pshh that's the good thing about sagging, it makes it super easy
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