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secsagger999 last won the day on October 18 2018

secsagger999 had the most liked content!

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869 Excellent

About secsagger999

  • Rank
    SW Legend
  • Birthday 06/20/1996

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  • Location
    Ohio, US
  • Biography
    im not much of a sagger, so I'm shy on my sags
  • Interests
    videogames, reading, writing, anime, and TCGs

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  1. Probably last time in a long time I'll be able to get on here. I'll try again in a few days, hmu for my number in want to keep in contact

  2. I'm not much of a sagger either but I definitely like to watch! Cincinnati, OH here. Hmu dude!

  3. Alright, wasn't trying to disguise anything. And cause of this, when i had read my emails I had decided also to just remove the link. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. Ah, that's why. I'm in the US, I think Underwear Experts are US only for the shipping, not too sure.
  5. So I was wondering if anyone has done the subscription to the Underwear Experts and how they liked it. Cause i've been thinking about doing them for a while now but not sure if it'd be worth making part of my budget since it'd cut into my TCG money. if you don't know what it is, i'll put the link here for you: https://www.underwearexpert.com/
  6. Most people is the people in my and surrounding areas
  7. Most people for me are just turned away by my skin or the fact I'm not the stereo-typical black man. Another reason I don't sag much out in public, more of a private thing with close friends.
  8. Don't forget that most of the readings for small, average, and larger (length) dicks haven't been taken recently. I've been messing around with guys since I was 17 (first guy was at 16 and I'm currently 22 now) and I don't care for people to know that I've done stuff with all different sizes of guys and ages. I wanna say i've come across maybe 1 out of 11 guys who's dicks were 6in and below. I'd like to think, depending on area, the sense of average of **** size is different. About 7 of 11 guys i've done things with were 8ins and above to where the other 3 of 11 were between 6in and 8inch
  9. I'll do that to you anytime
  10. personally, I don't care for **** size as much as body size. If the guy is less than 6inches, I'd rather be top than the bottom. 6.5-8, I don't care who tops, but any bigger than 8, I'm begging to bottom. But this also is changed in preference by thickness.
  11. I know a few into that. Weirdest for me has been farting so far. But there's always something for someone.
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