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Fetish4Breifs last won the day on February 29 2020

Fetish4Breifs had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

205 Excellent

About Fetish4Breifs

  • Rank
    Benevolent Member
  • Birthday 07/15/1997

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  • Interests
    Calvin Klein, Boxer Briefs, and most of all, BONDAGE!!

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  1. So, I have a whole bunch of new bbs and I am fresh out of ideas for pics. Anyone want to help out!?

  2. Brand new pics on the way! Be sure to check em out!

  3. Brand new Nike Satires!! Yeah buddy!

  4. I love Emma Watson, especially in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. My favorite actor is definitely Drew Roy. So hot. https://www.google.com/search?q=drew+roy+hot&hl=en-US&espv=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sboxchip=Images&sa=X&ei=IZTpUf6cNIfi9gTuroGIBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAA&uss=1&biw=1024&bih=672&sei=uZXpUbUbhvz2BJDhgLgJ#biv=i%7C2%3Bd%7CxA1VdKoYz8n1qM%3A
  5. Justin Bieber. He has way better sags. Dog or cat?
  6. I did this with my ex boyfriend right before we started dating, I was in class one day when he sent me a text message saying to meet him by the bathrooms. So, I stood outside the bathrooms for maybe 5 minutes, and he never showed up, so I went in to take piss. But instead I was greeted by him kissing me and me sucking him off, then me getting fucked right there on the school sink. It was so hot. I also have to mention that he was sagging white skinny jeans below ass with red supra Skytop 2's and a hoodie.
  7. So, today I officially grew out of my Supra Skytops. I loved those shoes a lot. Anyone recommend any shoes for my next pair?

  8. I totally agree porsche!
  9. Car. Shorts or pants for sagging?
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