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About GcIt

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  1. GcIt


    Hey man, I read from your profile that you're 13yo. Every single person lives and builds his or her sexuality in a personal way, and many people pass through an "exploration" phase when their sexuality is not so clear to them. This may consist of an istant doubt for someone, or of many years of confusion for others. I'm 18 and I'm starting now to understand what's going on in my brain :S so take your time to understand who you're attracted to. Maybe you are straight and you're just temporarily physically interested in guys; or maybe you are exploring other aspects of your sexuality you hadn't
  2. Flute for 6 years now I'd love to play the cello too but I don't have time for that... Yeah Rekhel a saggers orchestra would be awesome haha
  3. Tonight the sky is all clear and dark just wonderful. With a few falling stars, too, and a slow, refreshing wind. Around 28-30°C anyway. Sunny and hot all day.
  4. If there is going to be a wide discussion on gay marriages I suggest to create a new topic. I think one already existed actually. Anyway a reply to Fabik's post, even if UBCsagger was faster than me. Nothing against you, man, I don't want you to think I'm not respectful to your ideas. First, your first point isn't clear to me. In my opinion "I want to be able to marry my boyfriend" looks like a declaration of love, that's to say "I want to make our relationship official and in some way sacred in front of the law. I don't see any attempt of imitating or "admiring" heterosexuality. I please ask
  5. Thank you Fabik for your contribution, this can make me explain this better. The insults I was talking about do not consist in telling "gay" or similar to somebody. I consider that a description, even if said with derision (of course I don't like it, but I AM gay, so what if they just remember me). I'm talking about more heavy insults like all the stereotypes we all already know about gays, such as way of clothing, infidelity, etc. The insult is not "haha, you're gay", it is "haha, you're weak/different from us/mentally ill/effeminate/ridiculous/WRONG BECAUSE you are gay". Hope that's clear no
  6. Hey guys, Sorry to add unpleasant things to this great site but I needed to share this. Six days ago, here in Rome, a 14 years old boy killed himself, jumping from the fifth floor of the building he lived in. He left a letter for his parents and friends, apologizing for his decision and explaining his reasons. He liked boys and didn't know how to live with this. He didn't know how to say it to his parents or friends. He wasn't strong enough to bare the insults, the discrimination and the jokes directed to him by the whole society. It wasn't suicide. He was killed. He was killed by millions of
  7. It is indeed! Now wearing my new pair of striped jules boxerbriefs and some bb shorts... sagging of course
  8. GcIt

    A Or B?

    Drop crotch pants. They are like marmite. You can either love them or hate them. But I hate marmite Fall or spring?
  9. GcIt

    A Or B?

    Museum - I mostly don't like zoos.. if you want to see a living animal, just go where it lives, or turn on the tv. Philosophy or Engineering?
  10. I deeply hope you're talking about centigrades. It's still august.
  11. Just a quick reply. Just stop killing people and destroying things, please. Is it that hard? Sorry for being tough.
  12. These last days were HOT. It is over midnight and the temperature is about 30°C. Today it was around 35. Last week it went up to 40-42 °C. No clouds. Just this mega-tanning lamp up in the sky. Omg.
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