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About mattthesagger

  • Rank
    Adored and Respected Member
  • Birthday April 23

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  • How You Found Us?
    Search Engine (Ie Google)
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Skating, Reading, Chillin, Texting, Biking, Lacrosse, Track, Watching baseball

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  1. Can my new sagging related tumblr blog get some love? sexysags.tumblr.com NSFW (obviously)

  2. 60 Degrees! It hasn't been 60 since Christmas.. feels damn nice

    1. Sagonmyface


      Yeah. Summer is a comin :)

  3. any one else sketched out about that "heartbleed" bug?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. graffie34


      oli, he means scared lol it just american slang

    3. Lee249


      That message appeared when i logged into me Nationwide banking app.

    4. TheOther1


      Its bad very bad.. had to patch a server I run earlier which was vulnerable :(

  4. Hope you all have a great 2014

  5. hows everyone doing?

    1. salesmerlin


      Doing well, yourself? :)

  6. saw a really great sag yesterday

  7. anyone wana chat or role play?

    1. Joeyjoe93


      what do you mean by roleplay?

    2. bendover


      i could be interested

    3. SaggerEmber
  8. anyone wana chat? bored..

  9. is chat down?

    1. dep11


      i didnt even know there was still a chat thing i havent seen it sence i got my new computer a few months ago?

  10. Hey everyone! Just wanted everyone to know I am back to posting on my tumblr if you want check it out here's the link: http://sexybiebersagger.tumblr.com/ Thanks!

  11. Hope everyone has a happy 2013

    1. flameboard


      Happy New Year to you too mate!

  12. anyone wana chat

    1. Jordan2501


      Add me on Skype. Jordan250199

  13. Sorry for bumping this thread but I found some photos you might like (web photos that I don't own): Enjoy
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