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  2. Follow my insta @boywhosagg 👊🏽


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  5. Seen lots of hot shirtless saggers on my travels today guys. It's been a blast... So many different types of sags & brands. I was worried that I'd get rock hard at one point tbh. 

    1. Emohotboy


      Lucky u ! In my city there is no shirtless saggers, any more ! 

  6. This is your encouragement to sag ur pants today!   Sag ur pants like ur a sagger and you mean it - sag like you want to sag - sag like you want your boxers to be seen - sag like you enjoy sagging!  Wear boxers you would want to see a sagger wear and sag ur pants how you would want to see guys sagging!  Wear your best sagger pants and the boxers you want everyone to see! Show off your pants sagging as much as u show off ur underwear!  Let ur pants sag low boxers showing and be proud of how your pants sag and boxers show.  Sag ur pants like a proud sagger!  Show off how proud you are to be a sagger!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeBoxerSagger


      Probably the best way to gain confidence is to practice  😏

      Today is your day! Toss on ur coolest clean boxers sag yo pants go grab a few groceries 😜

    3. Emohotboy


      Lucky u ! In my city there is no more saggers any more ! Thats why I came often to this site to see hot sagging and boxers 

    4. Lee249



      @Emohotboy sorry to hear that mate. You seem a little tense 😔

  7. Last week
  8. Just viewed your album it's a stunner! Thank you. Duo sags are the best. Congrats 👏 

  9. I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone on here & Discord thank you. It's been a tough time recently. Means alot all the support ❤️

  10. I really wish I were never born. 

  11. Summer = shirtless sagging. Best time of the year!!! 😋 

    1. jonquestor


      Waiting for Lee’s “summer” pics….

    2. Lee249


      Thanks mate 😜 Sounds like no pressure then haha 

      I'm hoping to snap more outdoor sags for everyone soon. I still feel the exact same as when I started sagging tbh. Ofcourse, there are ups & downs. 

      Thoroughly enjoy expressing it in public or at home, especially when others check out my arse 😊 compliments/feedback/acknowledgement are always much appreciated 👍 x

  12. Just published and album with a couple of pics from my first time meeting a sagger

    Most of them are after the meeting, but there's more of us together. Let me know if you wanna see them ;)


  13. Earlier
  14. Who wants to rub their c**k against my ass? 🍆💦💦


    1. tracksuitsaggeruk


      Come to London and I'd be all over u 👀🤗

  15. Add my Snapchat for a chat: benjisagger

  16. Best brand whitie tighties?

  17. Tonight, I'm gonna have a proper cream fest. Took a bunch of sagging pics for everyone to gorp at lol 😜

  18. Sent you a DM gorgeous. Hope it's respectable enough 🥰 ❤️👍


  19. hey im a 14 year old boy and im starting to have puberty and I was wondering what to expect and if I need to save down there 

    im scared to talk to anyone about it so I came here

    1. Denimsag


      Yes, save it for when you are an adult!

      I guess you meant shave, so no, you don't need to shave but some people do choose to.

      Just enjoy being 14 and don't worry.

    2. jonquestor


      Just be yourself and enjoy. No reason to shave. 

  20. Totally S***faced tonight with the lads we had good times in towbn. I gave one lucky hot fucker the best BJ of his life. Hope he remembers it always... I won't remember him. 


  21. Do you still get wet? Why don't you post more pics?

  22. Can't seem to ever meet anyone standards. Makes me really wonder why I exist. 

  23. Is it too much to ask a guy to eat my butt?

    1. jonquestor


      Could be….

    2. ElCarnicero


      Yet, nobody knows what your butt looks like.

  24. I really am very sad, most of my family calls me a ******, but knowing them, that isn't even half true. F**** everyone. 

    1. ElCarnicero


      How old are you?

  25. sagging Hollister Baggy



    1. Baggystar


      Wanna touch it now! 🥵🥵🥵

    2. bluntlungs


      freaky ass nga

  26. I'm too excited right now 😊 Those sagging pics are AMAZING! 😍 My c**k literally jumped. Nice1 & thanks 🔥❤️👌

  27. Online here, there & everywhere this evening so if anyone wants to slag me off go right ahead thanks 🤣

  28. You're amazing darlin. Just replied now ❤️👍 xxx 

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